Shekou Lawsuits at Work Again Against an Entire City Council

Mayor Tom Butt is being sued by a group of owners who say he had a conflict of interest when he promoted the rezoning of their shoreline property as parkland, frustrating their plans to develop a business center there.

Former Richmond Mayor and City Councilwoman Gayle McLaughlin, now running for lieutenant governor, and current council members Jovanka Beckles, Ben Choi, Eduardo Martinez, Jael Myrick and Melvin Willis are named individually as co-defendants, along with the city and the council as a whole.

The suit was filed Dec. 1 in Contra Costa County Superior Court. A “memorandum of points and authorities in support of (a) motion for (a) preliminary injunction based on violations of the Political Reform Act,” and other documents, were filed Tuesday.

The plaintiffs — Richmond Development Company LLC; Doommas Enterprises LLC; Joe Shekou; Heidi Shekou; and Joshua Genser — own land in the city’s Northshore area.

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